The Internet of RollApps is a network of chains consisting of RollApps (layer 2s) and the Dymension Hub (layer 1). RollApps are easy-to-deploy modular blockchains that natively integrate with the Dymension Hub, which provides them security, liquidity, and connectivity.

Avail provides a fast and secure data and consensus layer that gives you all you need to launch a sustainable blockchain. Optimized for building next-generation trust-minimized applications, sovereign rollups, and zero-knowledge or fraud-proof based blockchain applications with greater efficiency and ease.Avail brings the modular foundation, so you can bring the innovation. With Avail, your chain can become sovereign. This means freedom to build your chain the way you want.Since Avail naturally supports any execution environment, you now have the power to create next-gen blockchain solutions like never before possible. Avail’s got you covered.

Autonity is an EVM based public blockchain for decentralized derivatives clearing. Borderless markets are by definition markets with participants in multiple currency areas who are subject to unwanted foreign exchange risk. Autonity's utility coin — Auton — combines innovation in unit-of-account and stabilization mechanism design to explicitly address this foundational concern so that builders can develop new markets without the limitations of fiat-pegged stablecoins. The project is in the early testnet stage and is being developed by a community that is passionate about the potential social benefits of monetary and market structure innovation..

Cosmic Horizon is a play-and-earn strategy sci-fi trading/conquest MMRPG, developed by Qwoyn Studios and powered by the Cosmos SDK. To learn more please visit the Cosmic Horizon section in these guides.

The Internet of RollApps is a network of chains consisting of RollApps (layer 2s) and the Dymension Hub (layer 1). RollApps are easy-to-deploy modular blockchains that natively integrate with the Dymension Hub, which provides them security, liquidity, and connectivity.